Pokoyhof is an exceptional building which provides stunning space for numerous and diverse activities. It hosts offices, retail space and leisure and social meeting places.
Pokoyhof Passage is associated with a rich tradition of hospitality; the quarter originally hosted a Jewish Inn during the 17th Century offering food and accommodation for Polish merchants. The original name consists of two words. ‘Pokoy‘ which is a phonetic consideration of a name of family Buqoi, which used to own the quarter. ‘Hof‘ is the German word for ‘courtyard‘ and the name was first mentioned in sources during 1612 as ‘Pokquaies-Hoff‘ and in 1624 as ‘Buquoihofe‘.
As the name of the area evolved, so did the buildings located on this spot and the current building was erected at the beginning of 20th Century, being designed to host different commercial activities. Since the early 20th century, Pasaż Pokoyhof has housed a department store, a cotton factory, various warehouses, offices and retail outlets.